I’ve had a lot of questions this year. People saying “You look great! What are you doing?” I think my answer is probably unexpected. I tell them I decide I wanted to be happy, no matter what. Real Valentine #3 is a big part of that.

The More You Love Your Decisions,
the less you need others to love them

I’m lucky enough to call this lovely lady a friend. We’ve been talking about this recently. About being true to yourself and being brave enough to listen to your own self when you make decisions. To tune out the clutter and noise of outside opinions and give yourself permission to make decisions based on your own values, insight and intuition.

It’s a beautiful thing when a woman trusts herself completely.



About the Real Valentines Series:

In theory, a day all about love and sharing love sounds great. I know that many of you love to celebrate love. And so do I. But….. In practice, it often doesn’t quite feel authentic to me.

Be The Change

I want a holiday revamp. To take back Valentine’s Day from the merchants selling random last minute smatterings of chocolates/red roses/miniature bears holding hearts. I want to make it inclusive and not the sole domain of romantic love. More…