Good company and unbelievably good food. Just another night at “The Frat House”. I am so grateful to Graham (and Ross and Jonathan) for all the amazing meals they have made for us.  Given the opportunity, I highly recommend that you befriend some foodie farm workers who like to cook.

This evening, Graham made tomato caprese (sliced tomatoes, fresh mozzarella and some spices) which disappeared before I could get a shot of it. Next he brought in a plate of figs stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon.


The main course was open-faced scallop sandwiches: imagine a toasted slice of bread spread with a bit of jam, then covered with scallops in cream sauce, cheese, tomatoes and arugula.


While Graham was busy cooking his masterpieces, the rest of us gathered round for some wedding planning and logistics. There are two couples who are getting married at Cane Creek Farm in the next 6 weeks and we are all pitching in to help.


I was excited to find some Mountain Dew Throwback (yum!) in the fridge. Which probably explains why I’m still up. Note to self: no more caffeine after dinner.





In case you haven’t noticed already, in addition to being a house of culinary delights, The Frat House might aptly be called The Dog House. Tonight we had 5 dogs leaping around the house in a happy chaotic mess.


While its not the greatest technical photo, I love the exuberant energy and Amos’ happy dogginess:
