About Sarah & Natefamily beach portrait - bullmastiff pet - myrtle beach sc - luck photography

LuckPhotography.com is the photographic home of Sarah Cook and Nate Perry. While we primarily photograph for our own enjoyment, we are available by commission if you are interested in having us document your loved ones or an upcoming event. We are also offering a limited number of Wedding Photography engagements this year. Please contact info@luckphotography.com for rates and availability.

Sarah Cook

sarah_cook_02_250hThere is a streak of wanderlust in my family which means I had the chance to travel around the country growing up. Whenever we would travel, I insisted on taking photos with people in them. “Landscape photos are fine but I want people to remember that I was there and you were there”,  I would say. “I want to see people not just pretty places! People are interesting.” It seems that the portrait photographer soul was already alive and kicking in my teenage self.

I was a late bloomer, photographically speaking. My love of photography didn’t fully blossom until I acquired a digital camera. It opened up the opportunity to take endless photos without having to purchase and develop film, which is an expensive way to learn. I had a little point-and-shoot camera that fit in my pocket. It went everywhere with me. But as my photography skills improved, I began to feel frustrated by the limitations of my trusty pocket camera. In particular, I wanted the camera to take the photo instantly. Most of you have probably experienced the frustration of hitting the button at exactly the right moment, only to loose the shot because of camera delay, where the camera isn’t able to focus fast enough or “needed to think about things first”.  I bought my first DSLR camera as an early Christmas present to myself in 2005. At the time, I thought I was just fixing the annoying delay problem…. In reality, it changed my world. These days, I think that Sarah is synonymous with camera-in-hand.

I have the good fortune of being a website designer since 1999, giving me a decade’s worth of experience with PhotoShop. Which is awfully handy when it comes to creative photography. Much of, maybe even most of, the gorgeous modern photography that we all know and love is a combination of great photographic skills and great photo editing skills.

Nate Perry

nathan_perry_v1_100wPhotography is the storyteller of our history and lives. I have used photography as a tool for documentation my whole life. From the landscape around my childhood home and town to friends and possessions that I held dear. I have always looked at photography from an archivist standpoint. I find beauty in the act of capturing life in photographic intervals so we see where we’ve been and how we have, or in many ways, have not changed in the world we have known.