Here at Luck Photography, we use the ultimate environmentally responsible lighting. Not only that, it’s fiscally responsible too. Like you, we are always looking for ways to reduce our electricity use, as a way to save money and to limit our impact on the planet by reducing the resources we use. These past few years, you’d have to have your head in the sand to miss the widespread campaigns to get you to switch to using energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. So let me ask you, what’s better than using compact fluorescents?

…. Not using lights at all.

I bet you thought I was going to say something like LED lights. Personally, I think we still have a way to go before they make LED lights that are both comfortable on our eyes and affordable for lighting our homes and offices.

So, back to our uber eco-friendly lights: The Sun. My office hours are typically from 12pm-5pm. Rather than use lights that require electricity, I just set up my work space near a window. It’s such a simple concept that I bet you’re thinking, yeah so what? But how many businesses and offices have you been in that operate on 100% solar light during the day?


This post is part of the “Luck Runs Green” series in which Luck Photography’s Sarah Cook talks about the mindful green practices used in our business. Luck Photography is a Triple Bottom Line business, “People, Planet, Profit”.