“But I’m hardly beautiful right now” she said. We were packing up the car with her suitcases and she was dressed for the cold. “What are you talking about?”, I said. “You’re always beautiful. Just like I’m always beautiful. Come on, I’m going to take beautiful pictures with you.” I wonder sometimes, which of us has more force of will. We are the same I think, when we want something.

At risk of yet again sounding like a broken record…. Please, please, PLEASE take time to take photos with the ones you love. Especially if you don’t get to see them as often as you would like. You will encounter resistance but its well worth the push.

How I love this lady. She is demanding. She requires you to wake up and pay attention. To actively participate with her. To think and use your mind. To be silly and laugh at yourself. To seek adventures in the everyday. Love you Grammie.


